Are you really a reverend?  By what authority?
Yep, I sure am!  I received my certificate of ordination from the Universal Life Church in September of 2005.  Here's a copy of it!  If you'd like to see the real thing, just let me know.  This certificate is also on file in the state of Ohio.  I am legally able to perform ceremonies in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee.  If you live in another state or are planning to get married in another state, I may have to register as an officiant. There is no additional fee for the extra paperwork, just let me know!

 What does a typical ceremony look like?
A typical ceremony would go as follows:
• Welcome/Introduction
• Statement of Intent
[this is a legal thing - it just ensures you both are there for the right reasons, aka, no one has been bought/sold/traded/ or is drunk/drugged/incompetent to make the decision to marry]
• Optional reading/song/etc
• Vows
• Exchange of rings
• Optional reading/song/etc and/or optional 'unity' thing
• Closing
• Pronouncement
• Kiss/Introduction of Couple

This is all just a generic outline - feel free to change anything about it.  Get creative, do something that's just yours.  This is your day, and you want your ceremony to feel like it's 'totally you', so think about the things that only exist between the two of you.  Forget what you've seen at other couple's weddings and make it a day that is personal and sweet for just you.

I like to sign the license before the ceremony.  It gives you a very uninterrupted reception and prevents me from having to track down busy photographers and tipsy maid of honors. After the wedding, I will take the legal part of the license and mail it off immediately.  You should receive something in the mail within 2-4 weeks of your wedding day from the state saying you are legit.  I provide the stamp.

Can we write our own vows?
While I provide sample vows so that couples can be inspired, I urge all couples to think about writing their own vows.  It makes it more special when it's your words to each other.

Are there any restrictions on what you will and will not allow in a ceremony?
No restrictions - this is your day, after all...

How many readings are customary? Are there any restrictions on the choice of readings?
Though you can have as many as you like, customarily there are two.
Will you conduct the ceremony outside of a house of worship? If so, does that change any of the restrictions?
Because I am a non-denominal reverend, I have performed ceremonies in churches, parks, cemeteries, museums, kitchens, dining rooms, mountaintops... you name it!  Like I said, it's your day, I am not going to put any restrictions on it.  :)

What's included when we hire you?
  • Complimentary consultation
  • Personal and fully customized ceremony
  • Unlimited phone and email support
  • Arriving 30+ minutes prior to ceremony start time
  • Completing and mailing marriage license
Will you be doing other ceremonies that day?
Absolutely not - you paid for me, I'm all yours.

When should we get our marriage license?
Every state has it's own rules for this.  Please check with your local jurisdiction to see what they suggest.

How many times would you like to meet before the wedding? 
A better question is how many times would you like to meet with me? Meetings are always included and you can have as many as you’d like.

Do we need to do a rehearsal dinner?
Need?  Not necessarily.  A dinner is optional, but a rehearsal of some sort is highly recommended.  Most of the time, these things flow quite well with just a little preparation to work out the kinks.  I've seen things go south quite quickly without, though.  It's better to be safe than sorry, as they say, and I feel a lot more comfortable when the kinks are worked out and I can concentrate on saying the right things rather than trying to stop a nightmare situation from happening.

Will you lead a rehearsal?
While I am happy to lead a rehearsal, your wedding or site coordinator will take care of this for you.

Will you join us for dinner after rehearsal?
Sure!  I'm not offended if you don't want me there, by any means, but I will gladly join you if you wish!   

We're gay - can you marry us?
I can and will happily perform a union service, however, as you likely know already, it will not be a legally binding ceremony [yet].  I am happy to officiate a ceremony for you anyway, because I like to marry folks who are in love.  You count, in my book.  Love is love.

We're getting married for tax/citizenship/insurance purposes - can you marry us?
Sadly, not.  I more so enjoy a very good track record, and am not willing to sacrifice that for a union of convenience.  I like to marry for love.  I hope you understand my position, and I wish you the best of luck with your arrangement.

I'm expecting, can you marry us?
Absolutely, and congratulations!

We are an interfaith couple - is this a problem?
I perform ceremonies for all couples. Whether you are religious, spiritual, interfaith, or no faith, I officiate ceremonies for everyone.

One of us is/both of us are divorced - is this a problem?
No problem at all! I am happy to officiate your ceremony.

We have kids - can we include them in the ceremony?
There are many ways to include children in your ceremony besides being a ring bearer or flower girl. We can add family vows or include them in the unity portion of the ceremony.

We have dogs - can we include them in the ceremony?
Absolutely.  I love dogs.

Do you provide any premarital counseling?  Is it required?
At this time, I do not provide any premarital counseling, nor do I require it.  Please contact your service of choice to see what's required of you in your particular faith.

How far will you travel?
I'm happy to travel to your destination wedding.  Please discuss these details with me in person, as it's a case by case basis.

What do you bring with you to the wedding?
Glad you asked!  This is what I usually come armed with:
  • a nice pen to sign your license
  • a stamp
  • tissues
  • a flask.  no, I'm not kidding.*
  • a Square reader
* someone is usually freaking out that day.  they will either be your mom or your sister or one of your buds, and they will need this, therefore it will be hiding in my things as to not get you in trouble with your caterer.  if you have any special requests, please let me know, otherwise it will most likely have bourbon in it...  and your mom/sister/buds really won't care what it is anyway, amiright?

How can we pay you?
Paying me is really easy:  I accept checks made payable to Jill Gibboney, most major credit cards can be processed through my square credit card reader, and good old fashioned, cold, hard cash is fine too.  Fees will be negotiated during the meeting process, but I can tell you that I do this out of love, not really to become a millionairess.  I'm pretty reasonable.

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